Common Table Expression (CTE)

Common Table Expression or CTE it is one of query form SQL that can be utilized to simplify JOIN in SQL into subqueries and being able to give the query that has hierarchy characteristic.



WITH lecture_supervisor_cte AS
(SELECT School
FROM lecture_supervisor
WHERE lecture_supervisor_name = 'Dr Suraya Hanim'
SELECT student_name
FROM univ_student
INNER JOIN lecture_supervisor_cte
ON =
AND exam_score > 70

The benefit of using CET

Introductory to Subquery

Subquery or Inner query or Nested query are queries in other SQL queries and planted in clause WHERE. A subquery can be utilized to recall data that has been used in the main query as requirement to more limit the data that will be taken.


What are the benefit using Subquery?

Some of benefit using CTE in query are: