Key Objective

☑️ Understand why Google has put AI principles in place ☑️ Identify the need for a responsible AI practice within an organization ☑️ Recognize that decisions made at all stages of a project have an impact on responsible AI. ☑️ Recognize that organizations can design AI to fit their own business needs and values



Many of us already have daily interactions with artificial intelligence or AI, from predictions for traffic and weather to recommendations for TV shows you might like to watch next. As AI becomes more common, many technologies that aren't AI enabled may start to seem inadequate.


Now, AI systems are enabling computers to see, understand, and interact with the world in ways that were unimaginable just a decade ago. These systems are developing at an extraordinary pace.

AI is not infallible.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Developing responsible AI requires an understanding of the possible issues, limitations, or unintended consequences.




Technology is a reflection of what exist in society. Without good practices, AI may replicate existing issues or bias and amplify them. But there isn't a universal definition of responsible AI, nor is there a simple checklist or formula that defines how responsible AI practices should be implemented.


Instead, organizations are developing their own AI principles that reflect their mission and values. While these principles are unique to every organization, if you look for common themes, you find a consistent set of ideas.










At Google, the approach to responsible AI is rooted in a commitment, to strive towards AI that's built for everyone that's accountable and safe, that respects privacy, and that is driven by scientific excellence. Team have developed Googlee own AI principles, practices, governance processes, and tools that together embody Google values and guide Google approach to responsible AI.


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They've incorporated responsibility by design into our products, and even more importantly our organization. Like many companies, Google use the AI principles as a framework to guide responsible decision-making. We all have a role to play in how responsible AI is applied. Whatever stage in the AI process you're involved with, from design to deployment or application, the decisions we make have an impact.