Overview Table Reshaping pada Library Pandas

Table Reshaping in the Pandas Library is a table that is understood by looking at the practical needs in conducting data analysis and data processing based on the dataset provided and the goals set. When a Data Scientist and Data Analyst are working with data derived from large and complex datasets, it is often found that the data is not in the most suitable and effective form for data analysis or data visualization, which will hinder it from achieving the goals set. This is the main reason for the concept of table reshaping which is very important in the Pandas Library.

Introduction To Table Reshaping

In the Pandas Library using Python programming language known as Table Reshaping, what is Table Reshaping? Table reshaping or table restructuring is a process to change the shape or structure of the DataFrame in the Pandas Library from one form to another. It is often used when needed, such as when a data scientist and data analyst want to organize or reorganize data to better suit the desired needs or goals and when they want to perform data analysis or data visualization.

Example of Table Reshaping concept in Pandas Library Source: erwin2h

Example of Table Reshaping concept in Pandas Library Source: erwin2h

Table Reshaping or table restructuring is also a very important technique in conducting data analysis because it allows a Data Scientist and Data Analyst to organize data in the form that best suits the desired analysis or visualization needs. By using various types of Table Reshaping methods available, a Data Scientist and Data Analyst can easily transform data and make it a format that is easier to understand and use to meet desired goals and support better decision making.

Methods of Table Reshaping in Pandas Library using Python Programming Language

Here are some types of methods used to perform Tabele Reshaping or Restructuring the Pandas Library: