Source: My Skill (String in Python. Python Fundamental Series From Data… | by My Skill | Medium --- String in Python. Python Fundamental Series From Data… | by My Skill | Medium)

If a developer wants to write a code in a programming language, usually the developer will write a line of program code that can build and compile an application created. In writing the program code cannot be separated from the characteristics or identity of the program code. One of the identities of the program code written is the use of appropriate data types based on the needs and objectives of the program created. One type of data that is often used in Python programming languages and other programming languages is String. To get to know more about Strings, let's both read the following explanation.

What is a string?

In the world of Information Technology, especially in programming languages, known as Strings, Strings are one of the most important and frequently used data types, which of course are general. Strings are usually used to represent a character or text, which is certainly one of the most basic forms of data in almost every program in a computer. In the Python programming language, strings have a special role and are certainly very flexible (easy to use). String utilization can usually be used to store text, URLs, and more. Of course, that includes a character in the program created.

The use of strings in Python programming language is not just limited to text representation. Strings can also be used to manage data and information, this can be seen from the use of strings such as storing and changing a variety of information, such as dates, times, or complex data with certain formats. Strings, especially in the Python programming language, also have an important role in text processing, data analysis, and interaction with users in making programs more interactive and efficient.

The Python programming language itself certainly has a variety of built-in functions and methods specifically designed to facilitate the use and manipulation of strings. These advantages make Python a popular and frequently used choice in web application development, data science, text processing, and many other functions.

String Relationship with Array

As in general program code strings in every programming language, especially Python programming language can be called by initializing any data that wants or has been entered based on an index, this is very similar to an Array. If we have learned the basics of Python programming, surely we are familiar with the term "Array".

Array is a group of variables that store a data of the same type and type or data arranged in a linear order in which it must have each element of a similar type. At Array it also applies the index system (this is what the String relationship with the array is), the index in the array is used to identify an element stored in it, thus allowing us to know the length or number of elements in the array referring to the total number of elements that exist.

In Python and other programming languages, indexes in Strings and arrays start from 0, but not from 1. In the context of strings and arrays, to distinguish one variable from another. can be known by subscript. Subscripts are numbers inside square brackets [...]. These subscripts describe each of the elements present in strings and arrays, of course, accessible in a structured way.

Index Concept on Strings and Arrays. Source : petanikode

Index Concept on Strings and Arrays. Source : petanikode

String operators in Python programming language.

If we want to call a string in a program code that we have written, we can use the % operator. One of the uses of the % operator in the Python programming language is that it can call an initiated string and follow or change the existing string. Here are some types of operators and explanations of their functions:

  1. %c = Indicates a Character
  2. %s = Convert a string using a formatted str()
  3. %i = Describes as a decimal integer
  4. %u = Describes as Obsolete type/Unsigned decimal integer