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Data Types Collection of Python programming language

One part if we want to make an application or analyze a data requires program code made using a programming language. One of the constituent components of a program code using programming languages (especially Python programming language) is the use of data types (Data Types) when you want to identify or declare a variable that contains values in it. Basically, especially in Python Fundamentals, there are 2 types of groupings of data types that are often encountered, namely basic data types (such as integer (int), float, and bool / true or false (bool)) and collection data types (such as list, tuple, set, dictionary (dict))

Collection Data Types in Python Programming Language

Collection data types generally in programming languages (including Python programming language) are types of data types that are usually used to group, store, and process an access that has a value or element in a variable or data structure that will or has been declared. The collection data type also allows a program coder to manage a certain amount of data in a variety of ways that suit his needs and desired purposes.

Some types of data collections that are commonly used in various programming languages (including Python programming language) include list, tuple, set, dictionary (dict).

Dictionary on Python programming language

Dictionary which means "Dictionary" is one of the types of collection data types that are often used in programming languages, especially in Python. Dictionary itself has the meaning that is a type of collection data that allows a programmer to store key-value pairs. In the dictionary, each unique key will certainly have a relationship with a value. Dictionaries are often used to organize and access data in an efficient way, even with the amount of data provided is very large.

thisdict = {
	"brand": "Ford"
	"model": "Mustang"
	"year": 1964

Restrictions on dictionaries in Python programming language

In the Python programming language, data types are dictionary collections and data types that have certain methods and restrictions related to their use. Here is the reason for the explanation of Restrictions that are commonly used in dictionaries in the Python programming language.

Dictionary dictionaries in Python generally have a unique key. Each key given or entered to the dictionary must be unique. This is because dictionaries cannot have two keys with the same value in the same dictionary. If a programmer wants to try to add an existing key, then what happens is that the old value will be replaced by the new value entered in the dictionary.

Furthermore, dictionaries do not require that every key entered must be sequential. Dictionary in Python programming language is a collection data type that is not sequential. So this means that it is possible that each element in the dictionary is not required to have a specific order. In other words, dictionaries cannot be indexed using numerical indexes such as lists or tuples.

Methods in dictionaries in Python programming language

Methods in dictionaries in Python have functions or operations related to dictionary objects. These methods are used to manipulate, access, or perform operations on data stored on the created dictionary. The methods possessed by dictionary objects are an important part of dictionary data types that allow a program coder to perform various dictionary-related tasks more efficiently. Here are some commonly used dictionary methods in the Python programming language:

  1. ``get(key, default)'`: This method is usually used to retrieve a value that has a relationship or relationship with a particular key. If the key does not exist or is not encountered in the created dictionary, this method will return the default value specified. This is useful to avoid errors when trying to access a key that doesn't exist.
  2. ``keys()'`: This method can return a list of various keys contained in the dictionary that has been created.