
Feature Engineering Reading




Apply is utilized to do transformation using custom function. For instance, we want to do algorithm transformation.

log_price = dataset["price"].apply(np.log)

<aside> 💡 **.apply**is used to do transformation. Since pandas does not have certain formula to process math. We need to manually assign using .apply



Anonymous Function

Create an anonymous function using .lambda . This function is utilized to create a function without declaring a special or certain functions. For example, we want to actually create function f(x) = log(x) + 1

dataset["price"].apply(lambda x: np.log(x) + 1)

.apply → function

Implementation of function usage and apply. For instance, when we want to define the outliers.

q1, q3 = dataset["price"].quantile([0.25,0.75])
iqr = q3 - q1

def outliers(x):
    if (x > q3 + 1.5 * iqr) or (x < q1 - 1.5 * iqr):
        return True
        return False

dataset["price_outliers"] = dataset["price"].apply(outliers)
0        False
1        False
2        False
3        False
4        False
53935    False
53936    False
53937    False
53938    False
53939    False
Name: price_outliers, Length: 53940, dtype: bool