Function Method


Function (I)

Method Description
.size() Calculate how many rows
.mean() Calculate average value
.mean() Calculate median value
.max() Calculate maximum value
.min() Calculate minimum value
.std() Calculate standard deviation value
.sum() Calculate total

Function (II)

Method Description
.first() Take first element from each of group.
.las() Take first element from each of group.
.rank() Take rank on data in the group.
.head() Take n first data from each of group.
.tail() Calculate n last data from each of group.
.all() Returns logical function AND
.any() Calculate amount


by_area_tenant.agg({"Rent" : ["min", "max", "mean"],
                    "Size" : ["min", "max"]})


Use to combine multiple function at different columns. We can specify then name of columns as dictionary keys, and the function as dictionary values.